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Il Coro nel 1969 diretto da Don Mario Ceccato / The Choir in 1969 conducted by Don Mario Ceccato
1968-2018 - Mezzo secolo di storia corale... / 1968-2018 - Half a Century of Choral Life!


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Let's spend a few words to introduce the "Monte Venda" Choir. This is an important and historical "a cappella" Italian male choir, which was founded in 1968 in Galzignano Terme, a small village in north-eastern Italy, not too far from Venice. Its name is linked to the local landscape, the Euganean Hills, and in particular to their highest peak: Mount Venda. At the beginning of its activity, the choir specialized in traditional folk songs, now it usually performs many other musical genres, ranging from classical to jazz and religious; its repertoire is vast.

For more than 35 years Monte Venda Choir has been directed by Gianni Malatesta, excellent composer and arranger, now very popular among the Italian choral scene. He set up a new way to feel, to think about choral music, succeeding in realizing his own method to teach singing, now followed by a great number of Italian and foreign choirs. He has been a hard-worker in recovering lost traditional melodies, giving them a new sound and spreading them among musicians and people. Thus, he was rewarded in 1988 with a gold medal by the President of Italian Republic, at that time, On. Sandro Pertini.

After that experience, Malatesta tried and succeeded in writing a lot of original pieces and arranging a great amount of famous Italian and American songs.

Monte Venda Choir, with its huge repertoire has performed under the direction of Malatesta more than 1500 concerts all around Italy, Europe and South America, where it has always showcased high profile performances, accuracy and sympathy. It has been awarded many times, especially during domestic competitions, festivals and contests.

Prior to retiring due to his age, Gianni Malatesta began to look for a new director for his Choir, someone who could be able to go on with his School.

Today, Monte Venda Choir is directed by Daniele Quaggiotto, who started his activity as a chorist. Step by step, under the teaching, and the help of Malatesta, Daniele Quaggiotto has learnt how to lead the choir, being loyal to the malatestian method. The Monte Venda Choir will surprise you with its music.

